It took some time for me to find out how to debug the Oracle Internet Directory plug-in for Active Directory (oidexplg). Finally found this:
To debug operations for oidexplg.jar, use the following ldif file:
dn: cn=oid1,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry
changetype: modify
replace: orcldebugflag
orcldebugflag: 402653185
dn: cn=oid1,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry
changetype: modify
replace: orcldebugop
#———–end of debugon.ldif———–
and use ldapmodify –f <this file> to set the debug flags.
Note: your instance name may differ from the one used here (oid1)
orcldebugflag value =
1 Signature (Heavy Trace Debugging in 10.1.X) +
134217728 (PlugIn Internal) + 268435456 (PlugIn External)
orcldebugop value =
1 (ldapbind) + 64 (ldapcompare)
Debug info is in file(s) oidldapd01s*.log
For less intensive logging use 64 in stead of 65 (a lot of binds are logged)
Actually, the same values go for OID 11g!